The Day Today'S No Shame Of Senators

Thursday, April 18, 2013

U.S. President Barack Obama, speaking shortly after the rejection by the U.S. Senate, the measure would make it mandatory checks "story" of those who want to buy ... weapon, denounced unequivocally, the attitude of a "minority" senators. The U.S. president has accused the so-called lobby of arms "deliberately lied" to derail the historic reform. As said it is a "day of shame for Washington ', complementing but that effort is not finished and will continue.

Barack Obama at the time of his brief speech, he had the right and left of the relatives of the victims of unprecedented slaughter in elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, where the fire of a young man killed 20 children aged 6 to 7 years. During the announcement of U.S. President many of the parents of the victims were clearly tears while.

The President of the United States had asked more strongly than ever to reform gun possession after the unprecedented massacre of students last December. But the rejection of the measure is a major blow to the substance of reform promoted by Obama for four months to curb violence and use of weapons.